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更新于: 2017年1月19日 09:10

Section B

The main activities are1aand 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标

1. Learn some new words and a phrase:

captain, sail, coast, pride, die of, trade, prize

2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“whom”:

He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of.

3. Talk about the life of Zheng He.

4. Learn about the great persons and their events in order to improve the students’ sense of national pride.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案

Step 1  Review 第一步  复 习(时间:10分钟)


1. (检查作业,由学生展示自己制作的名人档案过渡到历史人物——郑和。)

T:  Last class I asked you to make some cards about historical people. Who can show us your cards?

S1: …

S2: …

S3: …

2. (教师用多媒体或板书展示自己制作的名人档案,呈现历史人物郑和。)

T:  I have made a card, too. Please look at the screen/blackboard.


Name:         Zheng He (1371-1433)

Birthplace:  YunnanProvince

Experience: From 1405 to 1433, he led seven ocean journeys for the Ming emperor.



T:  Who’s he?

Ss: Zheng He.

T:  Where was he from?

S4: He was fromYunnan.

T:  How old was he when he died?

S5: Sixty-two years old.

T:  What do you think of him?

S6: He was a great explorer.

T:  Yes. He traveled to the east coast ofAfrica.

T:  Zhen He was born in 1371 and unfortunately he died of illness in 1433. As a captain and palace official, he led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. He even sailed to the east coast ofAfricawith the help of compasses. He made the ocean journeys in order to develop trade and friendship betweenChinaand other countries. He is really the pride ofChina.

(板书,并要求掌握captain, sail, coast, pride, die of, trade;理解unfortunately;了解compass。)

coast              sail

unfortunately  compass

die of             trade

captain           pride

T:  Do you want to know more about Zheng He? Let’s begin our new lesson, Section B.

Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:10分钟)


1. (听1a录音,并进行判断,问题以幻灯片的形式呈现。)

T: Let’s listen to the tape twice and mark True(T) or False (F).

(1)Zheng He even traveled to the east coast ofAfrica. (   )

(2)Zheng He led six ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. (   )

(3)His last ocean journey was later thanColumbus’ journey toAmerica. (   )


2. (读1a,让学生找出疑难点,先自己解决,自己不能解决的,教师帮其解决。)

T: Read1aand find out some words, phrases and sentences you don’t understand. Let’s work them out.


He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of.

Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩 固(时间:10分钟)


1. (根据1a完成1b,然后小组之间互相检查、讨论。)

T: According to1a, write down information about Zheng He as much as possible, using attributive clauses. Check the answers, and then share with the whole class.

2. (让学生两人一组表演1a对话。)

T: Act1aout in pairs.

3. (通过多媒体呈现1c的表格。)


T:  Please look at the chart on the screen and find out the new words or phrases.

Ss: Compass, trade.


T:  Please make a sentence for every line.

Answers: ①He led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433.

                   ②He led seven ocean journeys in total.

                      ③There were compasses, ocean maps and other things in his ships.

                      ④The number of ships was over 200 each time when he went on his ocean


                      ⑤The number of people was about 27 000 each time.

                      ⑥The size of the biggest ship was about 151.8 meters long, 61.6 meters wide.

                      ⑦He reached more than 30 countries and areas.

                      ⑧He traveled in order to develop trade and friendship between China and other



T:  OK, we all have answers. Now let’s fill in the blanks of1c.


4. (小组活动。巩固1a,1c。)

T: Let’s read1aand1cagain. Pay more attention to some key words and phrases. Then talk about them in your group.

Group 1: …

Group 2: …

Group 3: …


born in 1371

a Ming dynasty explorer

captain and palace official

more than half a century earlier

died of … in 1433

5. (双人活动。根据1c复述郑和的生平。)

T: Look at the key words and phrases on the blackboard. Please retell the life of Zheng He to your partner in turn.


T: Now, who can retell the life of Zheng He?

S1: …

S2: …

S3: …


T: We all know Zheng He was a great ancient explorer. He made great contributions to our country. We are all proud of him. But there are other famous historical people in the history of the world.

Step 4  Practice 第四步  练 习(时间:10分钟)

师生准备一些名人图片,进一步练习由who, whom, whose引导的定语从句。完成2。了解中国的名人、伟人及其事迹,增强民族自豪感。

1. (教师出示一张名人图片,比如鲁迅,进行师生问答。)

T:   Look at the picture. Do you know who he is?

Ss: He is Lu Xun.

T:  Do you know anything about him?

S1: Yes, he is a writer.

S2: He is very famous.

S3: He wrote many articles.

S4: …

T: We can also say: Lu Xun is a great writer who wrote many articles.

2. (教师也可以用身边的学生作为教学资源。)

T: Do you know something aboutLiHuain our class?

S5: He likes English.

S6: Li Hua is a beautiful girl.

S7: (总结)Li Hua is a beautiful girl who likes English.

3. (教师出示自己朋友的照片。)

T:  I have a friend. His name is Liang Bing. I can also say:



I have a friend whose name is Liang Bing.

4. (学生根据例子利用书上2中的提示,完成2。)

T: Please make sentences in pairs using the attributive clauses with“who”,“whom”or“whose”.

First, let me introduce two new words“prize”and“hybrid rice”. Prize means an award that is given to a person who wins a competition, race, etc. or who does very good work. Hybrid rice means the rice that has parents of different species or varieties.

(板书,并要求学生掌握prize;理解hybrid rice。)


hybrid rice


Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)


1. (以游戏的方式,练习并巩固who, whom和whose引导的定语从句。游戏规则:把学生分成若干个4人小组,小组内第1个学生说一个古代名人的名字,第2名学生说who, whom或者whose中的一个引导词,第3名学生说出定语从句的主句,第4名学生说出定语从句的从句。在说的过程中,由第一名学生把本句话整理完整。组内学生的顺序可以互换,最后看哪一组学生在规定的时间内整理的句子又对又多,即为获胜组。)

T:  Let’s play a game.


S1: Zheng He.

S2: Who.

S3: Zheng He was a great explorer.

S4: Who led seven ocean journeys.


S1: Zheng He was a great explorer who led seven ocean journeys.

T:  Are you clear? Let’s begin.

2. Homework:

(1)Collect pictures of some historical people and historic events to make a newspaper. Put up the newspaper that you have made on the wall.

(2)Please write a passage about a famous person. Use the attributive clauses with“who”,“whom”or“whose”as many as possible.


I’m becoming more and more interested inChina’s history.

Section B

captain                    prize                      He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the

sail                         hybrid rice             Chinese people are proud of.

coast                       unfortunately          My pleasure.

pride                       compass



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