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更新于: 2018年2月5日 09:00

Self-supervision on a weekly basis

















Teacher Gwen语音跟读






































跪膝冥想(15-30 min













                          What can English teacher to teach ?

唐山一中 卢凤玺  2018.1.22


Hello, every body. Very much honored to be given the opportunity to share with you here my experience in English teaching and learning by Mr.田.

 I took the liberty to change the original topic to present one for my own convenience,which definitely allows me more freedom to manage this mini-talk.

 My talk today will mainly involve the following content but we will also go somewhere beyond.In recent years on many occasions , I found myself gone out of questions,  like ,  I still teaching at such an age until fed up up with teaching for so long? My answers are usually are as such.What else could I do if I stop teaching English? How can I get bored when I am doing what I like? But I know it’s too well my case , it is absolutely a variety in present senior high school all of the country when the teachers are under extreme stress, and thus so called phenomenon  a profession but not nothing unusual.

From my point of view, generally speaking, people have per-severely doing the same thing for an unbelievably long time falling into two groups.One who wouldn’t have on other choice, the other , they love something crazy. I ‘d like to classify myself into the latter group. To tell the truth, to be a teacher was never one of my aspirations.

As there were roads in normal school, For a reason,only God knows , and in my early years of teaching,there was even times when I thought of quitting the temptation of the outside world. Looking back ,now I can’t help congratulating myself on failing the step. Believe it or not, I love teaching simply due to the enthusiasm for the English language.Someone once said, you’re a fortunate person, you will be successful to combine your career with your hobby. I consider myself a lucky man because I can make a fairly good living by giving full-play to my strength. And at the same time, I am bound to be respected and get admiration from many people.Of course , especially from my students.

 In fact, the recognition and approval from my generations of my students have served as my best source of motivation and that is also something I value more than anything else. Psychologically speaking, every human being has a desire to be recognized and appreciated by others.

For many years, I have been haunted by the fear that some day my lessons are no longer appealing to my students,and ever sometimes I have dreams that half of the class fall asleep,which drives me crazy.But happily , that has never happened in reality.The fear may also explain why I  have never stopped  improving my English for so many years, taking it as a daily routine, listening and reading. Learning English is my way of life, it is the sustains of my spirit.

I read English aloud, beat bad times or good times.I also just in fear that my English doesn’t possess an exact function,so that my students are just willing to follow ways.Because however backward the English is , each has a sense of judgement. As a result, the efficiency of my teaching is bound to suffer.

 I am also convinced that the teachers’ strong passion for the subject, he or she teaches can be contagions and the teachers’ responsibility should consist of a life long interest in the subject rather than merely assist them in getting higher marks in the exams,important as it is .

However , that doesn’t necessarily mean that I want all my students to take up English as their career although there are some who have done so . Among them are 刘奕彤and 王丹, those graduated from famous British universities and now are back in China and each is doing fairly well in their own field. I ‘m proud of them.

From my point of view, what really impresses and touches your students can never be your handsome and pretty looks,which doesn’t last. All you nasty jokes and scenically acrimony remarks,which are duo to leave you disgusting. What eventually win hearts of your students is your strong professional competence、super teaching skills、the sincere love for every student,the commitment and dedication to your career.

My students often hear me say the happy time of the day is when I am giving you classes attained with great young talents, making every effort to create an empirical atmosphere.

Ever since I started teaching when I was 17 years old. I have been in the habit of keeping myself well groomed and neatly-dressed in class. Because I hold belief that it is side of my positive attitude to life and also an indication of respect for my students. Mencius said , a man of lovely character has 3 types of happiness, and he prefers this to winning all over the world, parents and brothers are being all of alive and healthy is the first type of happiness, neither being ashamed under the heaven nor a bad hash from the other people is the second type. Being able to educate the outstanding figures from around the world is third type, with 3 types of happiness,a noble person would rather enough become a king.

Sorry to say I have lost one type of happiness . My dear father passed away 7 years ago,and I can’t afford to lose one more.

So you must have some ideas why I keep on doing this for so long without getting feed up.

As an English teacher, what can we do to keep the lessons dynamic and efficient ?  The only way out , in my opinion , is to make yourself a lifelong learner, a book addict.

 Whatever you read professional or entertaining will serve the purpose of making lessons colorful and enjoyable.Talking about my own reading experience, my reading lists used to include many original masterpieces of English in the first 20 years . But in recent years ,I turned my interest mainly to those relating to Chinese culture like 《林语堂》series, 许渊冲’s translation etc. And those are some of my books by 《林语堂》and some other writers.

Here I strongly recommend《林语堂》’s 《my country and my people》 and《 the importance of living》 my best my books. Every time I open the book , I can’t help have marveling the eloquence of English and my understanding of both Chinese and western culture .

The importance of living is regarded as a guide to a happy living and so sustain for people who live in this vague material realistic world.

No wonder an American professor once said after reading Doctor Lin ‘s book,he suddenly had an urge to rush to China town to bow before every Chinese.

And for years, I have attempted to introduce some to my class,which had proved to be well-received by the students.Here are some examples. The following are some famous pieces translated by XuYuanchong.

From mountain to mountain no bird in flight

From path to path,no man in sight

The sun beyond the mountain glows

The Yellow River seawards flows

You can enjoy a great sight

By climbing to a greater height


The Spring morning in bed I ‘m lying

Not to awake till Birds are crying

After one night of wind and showers

How many are the fallen flowers?


     A tranquil night

  Before my bed a pool of light

  Can it be hoarfrost on the ground?

Looking up,I find the moon bright

Bowing,in homesick I ‘m drowned.

So you see ,when one day , Mr.Xuyuanchong appeared in Dongqing’s “Readers” on CCTV, the old gentleman is not unfamiliar  to my students.

It’s absolutely unnecessary for the students to talk about advantages and disadvantages  of  Mr.Xuyuanchong’s  translation.

What’s really important is that my students become aware that Chinese poems can be translated in this manner. I think that’s  enough.

The other day, a video ,an English version of 《出师表》by actor 王洛语went into virus on the Internet. I quickly licked the wonderful piece for senior students to read intensively for the study of polysemy. Words like observe 、the late emperor 、regard .word studying ever for senior three students


 One day,Knowing my students have learned 《滕王阁序》in the Chinese lesson. I presented this to them in class.the students were shocked.      

What ‘s that for?

Please translate it into English, I said

How can it be possible ? they replied

Of course,I didn’t intent the whole students to put the whole passage into English because it is too much for them. So I asked one of the top students Wangyelei to translate the simplest sentence into English.冯唐易老,李广难封,she translated it such : Fengtang grew old very easily and liguang was hard to be promoted . Then I presented the translation by professor Lujinguo , it is translated: Fengtang grew old quickly and Liguang had difficulty  getting promotion .Then i told everyone ,wangyelei  is so  near to preofessor  Lujinguo. She even think the word “promote” . I could see their very proud be appeared on the girl’s face.Then  follow the several study of the whole passage. Of course,there are still some new words  ever for senior three students there are still some sentences ,word studying such as Old as he is, for determination,by no means give up his ambition and so on . 


As a teacher ,in a new era, being able to take advantage of the Internet resources and it is a basic requirement.And it is also a must for a teacher to expose students to update live English


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